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2004-09-23 - 5:10 p.m.

I got another email from Annie. It feels like a game of cat and mouse. She writes, I try to work out what she means, I have to think of a good response and then she has to work out what that means. Or something. It was another song, but I really couldn't get anything out of it, or chose not to. I replied and she misinterpreted the meaning of that, but it was a poor choice of song when I think about it. I'm not going to reply, I'll just wait until the next time...

Before anyone feels the need to worry that I'm being naive or setting myself to keep getting hurt, this is how I see Annie and I as it stands.

1. She is definitely still bitter towards me. I have no doubts about that.

2. She still wants me to be a part of her life in some way, but she doesn't know in what way or how.

3. She wants me to know both of the above things, to varying degrees.

4. I still want to be a part of her life in some way, but I don't know in what way or how.

5. I no longer feel bitter towards her.

6. I want her to know both of the above things, to varying degrees.

7. I am not naive enough to think we could ever be friends again, but I'm not ruling it out entirely.

8. I think that the type of contact we are having (ie these emails) is working for both of us, to varying degrees.

9. We reached our lowest point in July last year and it was liberating. Anywhere we go from here will still be up from there.

10. I tell Jane about any contact I have with Annie, even if it upsets her.

That's all for now.

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